Опубликовано: 27 янв. 2020 г.Всем привет! Это первое из серии видео про бьюти индустрию и мой путь. Я надеюсь, что кого-то эта информация наведет на определенные мысли, особенно тех, кто только планирует связать свою жизнь с этим направлением бизнеса.
Кому интересно, то мой рабочий Инстаграмм
Мой личный Инстаграмм

Мега распаковка товаров с Пандао, Джум, Али 49 - для души, для творчества, для красоты

Мега распаковка товаров с Пандао, Джум, Али 49 — для души, для творчества, для красоты

Опубликовано: 4 янв. 2020 г.Ссылки на товары из видео:
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РЕМОНТ за 155 тр в стиле ЛЕРУА МЕРЛЕН. Как это ВОЗМОЖНО? Принцип тотальной экономии. Евродвушка 42м

РЕМОНТ за 155 тр в стиле ЛЕРУА МЕРЛЕН. Как это ВОЗМОЖНО? Принцип тотальной экономии. Евродвушка 42м

Опубликовано: 13 мая 2020 г.«Евродвушка из Леруа». Ремонт квартиры 42 метра за 155 тр. Принцип тотальной экономии.
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100 Plus Ideas To Reuse Old Jeans||Creative Ideas By Using Jeans||Trends Of Jeans Reuse

100 Plus Ideas To Reuse Old Jeans||Creative Ideas By Using Jeans||Trends Of Jeans Reuse

Опубликовано: 21 апр. 2019 г.100 Plus Ideas To Reuse Old Jeans||Creative Ideas By Using Jeans||Trends Of Jeans Reuse
In this video we have tried to give you 00 plus ideas to reuse old jeans or old Denim.So its rally creative to use torn or old jeans in daily life.Check all the treds of jeans reusing through our videoa give your feed back
this video will cover the following contet too:
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how to reuse old jeans to make new clothes

how to use old jeans to make a bag

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Creativity is a phenomenon whereby something new and somehow valuable is formed. The created item may be intangible (such as an idea, a scientific theory, a musical composition, or a joke) or a physical object (such as an invention, a literary work, or a painting).

Scholarly interest in creativity involves many definitions and concepts pertaining to a number of disciplines: engineering, psychology, cognitive science, education, philosophy (particularly philosophy of science), technology, theology, sociology, linguistics, business studies, songwriting, and economics, covering the relations between creativity and general intelligence, mental and neurological processes, personality type and creative ability, creativity and mental health; the potential for fostering creativity through education and training, especially as augmented by technology; the maximization of creativity for national economic benefit, and the application of creative resources to improve the effectiveness of teaching and learning.
In philosophy, ideas are usually construed as mental representational images of some object. Ideas can also be abstract concepts that do not present as mental images.[1] Many philosophers have considered ideas to be a fundamental ontological category of being. The capacity to create and understand the meaning of ideas is considered to be an essential and defining feature of human beings. In a popular sense, an idea arises in a reflexive, spontaneous manner, even without thinking or serious reflection, for example, when we talk about the idea of a person or a place. A new or original idea can often lead to innovation.[
A trend is what's hip or popular at a certain point in time. While a trend usually refers to a certain style in fashion or entertainment, there could be a trend toward warmer temperatures (if people are following trends associated with global warming).
A trend simply reflects what seems to be going around at any given time. A trend can be in any area and doesn't only reflect fashion, pop culture and entertainment. There can also be a trend in the stock market to be bullish or bearish, depending on economic indicators, or a political trend reflecting a nation’s current mood. Some trends are fun, some fabulous, some appalling, but however long they last, you can be sure there will always be a new trend coming along to replace the old.
Trends: Your resource for home, kitchen, bathroom, interior living and renovation. Articles, Images and Videos for your… Welcome to a world of design ideas .
We will make videos of current n upcoming trends. We will also share new ideas with you through our videos.
So subscribe our channel to help us grow n spread our creativity.
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watch our these videos too

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Лучшие покупки с Алиэкспресс за 2016 г.

Опубликовано: 24 дек. 2016 г.В этом видео я покажу свои любимые вещи с Алиэкспресс: сумки, канцелярию и милые и полезные вещички.

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Закладки: увы ссылка уже не работает

Маркеры: https://goo.gl/HlEWJi

Зажим для проводов: https://goo.gl/U4Dx8T

Брелок: https://goo.gl/XED1q7

Скрепки: https://goo.gl/S0NYJW

Скотч: https://goo.gl/qAOM9R

БОЛЬШАЯ РАСПАКОВКА #25 Куча ХАЛЯВЫ и не только!!! Распаковка посылок с АлиЭкспресс.

БОЛЬШАЯ РАСПАКОВКА #25 Куча ХАЛЯВЫ и не только!!! Распаковка посылок с АлиЭкспресс.

Опубликовано: 6 июн. 2020 г.Приветствую Вас на моём канале.